UK Quizbowl are to hold elections for the following positions:
Tournament Supervisor, who organises tournament announcements and UKQB tournaments, and oversees the writing and/or Briticisation of tournaments;
Website Manager, who maintains the website and assists in adding content to it;
Blog manager, who controls the writing of articles and tournament announcements on the website;
Secretary, who notifies members of votes and meetings, keeps minutes at meetings, records votes and maintains the mailing list;
Diversity Officer, who heads the task force on diversity;
Outreach Officer, who coordinates outreach programmes;
Social Media Officer, who maintains and helps to run UKQB’s social media accounts;
Ordinary Committee Member.
You can hold two of these positions at a time. If you’re interested, please apply for these positions by emailing by Sunday, 11th November. A vote will be held among the current committee and we hope to have the elections finished by 15th November. If you have any questions, please contact us at the above email.