

Current information about the tournament is available on the Facebook event.

The University of Southampton Quiz Society, in association with UK Quizbowl, are pleased to announce a house-written quiz tournament titled the Southern Novice Tournament (SNT), to be held on Saturday, February 2nd.

This tournament is specifically geared towards players with minimal previous exposure to competitive quizzing, and will be a great starting point for introducing new players. It will also be a fantastic opportunity for this year’s prospective University Challenge teams to practice in a team buzzer quiz, provided they are eligible to play.

To be eligible for this tournament, players must (1) be in the first three (four in Scotland) years of a UK undergraduate degree and (2) have never averaged more than 30 points per game at a university-level quizbowl tournament. Players who do not meet either or both of these requirements can be admitted at the discretion of the organisers; please email if you require any further information.

The tournament consists of eight rounds, each of twenty starters and bonuses, in a University Challenge-style format. The starters are much shorter than typical quizbowl starters, and in each round there will be two picture sets and an audio set.

The event will be held in the Murray Building (B58) on Highfield Campus at the University of Southampton, and the cost of the event will be £30 per team, with discounts as follows:

  • £5 for bringing a fully-functional buzzer set;

  • £10 for bringing a moderator;

  • £10 for the whole team travelling more than 200 miles to get to Southampton;

  • £10 for universities that have not taken part in a university-level quiz tournament in the past two years.

The field cap for this tournament is 12 teams (though this can be expanded if needs be) and you can sign up via the Google form here:

Initially, a limit of two teams per institution will be imposed, though this may change depending on interest in the tournament.

Finally, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, either via email at, or by sending a message to the University of Southampton Quiz Society’s Facebook page. You can find the event on Facebook here, which contains more details about dates, times and locations.

UK Quizbowl

Student buzzer quiz tournaments in the UK.